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Map in Grass



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Day 1



What is culture? (i.e. language, transportation, architecture, ...)


Pack Your Bags (Activity)

You will be given two minutes to gather their belongings, whatever the choose, since they are being forced from their house and community, and will most likely not return. Students should be given those two minutes to brainstorm and write down what they should take.


Day 2


1. SELECT country to study [Google Form]


2. LOCATE two WorldBook Encyclopedia Articles [Video Tutorial]

  • Refugees

  • Your Country

3. CITE Refugee & Country articles on Noodle Tools [Video Tutorial]


4. READ Refugee & Country encyclopedia articles for understanding



Day 3


1. NAVIGATE back to your WorldBook Online Encyclopedia article on your country.


2. READ & TAKE NOTES using Noodle Tools notecards [Video Tutorial]








The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR)
UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is a global organization dedicated to saving lives, protecting rights and building a better future for refugees, forcibly displaced communities and stateless people.


The Refugee Project

In every corner of the earth ordinary people are forced to leave their homes, often without notice, often never to return. When they cross international borders, they are called refugees. The Refugee Project is a narrative, temporal map of refugee migrations since 1975. UN data is complemented by original histories of the major refugee crises of the last four decades, situated in their individual contexts.


U.S. Committee for Refugees & Immigrants (USCRI)
Refugees coming in through the U.S. Refugee Resettlement Program must pass through a multi-layered security screening process which includes an in-depth, in-person interview by well-trained Homeland Security officers, multiple highly rigorous background checks, including biographic and biometric investigations, using multiple databases.

Human Rights Watch (HRC)
Human Rights Watch’s Refugee Rights Program defends the rights of refugees, asylum seekers, and displaced people worldwide.

© 2018 U-32 Library | Montpelier VT

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